Movie Review: The Hobbit:An Unexpected Journey (3D): Technology mars storytelling


Let us regretfully declare precioussss that we returned to the cinema hall yet again for a second viewing of The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, the first part of the movie trilogy. We find now that the use of 3D does add punch to the action sequences, but the storytelling suffers in the process. Too much is made the 48 frames per second technology. The visual impact of  48 fps is in giving a High Definition (HD) experience, the effect is cosmetic at most.

Yes, Peter Jackson impresses again with his lively imagination, enthusiasm and his cinematic hold over middle-earth tales. The film is entertaining, but not deep, which is a pity, for the JRR Tolkien book reeks of danger, and is certainly not as full of comic ambiance as the film.The director does packs conviction, alarm and urgency in to characters, special effects and action scenes. No other director has blended CGI with such seamless conviction and imagination as Jackson and this film serves as additional evidence.

Additions obstruct flow
Now, I have immensely enjoyed reading the book and certain liberties taken to conjoin the story line to the LOTR movies, like the Rivendell council scenes and the Necromancer scenes stretch like elastic. These visual spectacle excuses are but light of purpose. They take much sheen off proceedings. 

Despite its mitigated charm, An Unexpected Journey is certainly worth watching on the cinema screen. The 3D version comes highly recommended. It's a good one, there is only some bad Jackson can do. I just expect better things in the next two parts. Without 3D would do too, please. Technology that mars cinema is of no use.

Stand out 
Watch out for the Gollum-Bilbo scene in particular. The literature comes oozing out in those pieces as Andy Serkis impressively reprises his motion-capture role.

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